Validation and Compliance of a Home Monitoring Device in Pregnancy: Microlife WatchBP Home
Chung Y., de Greeff A., Shennan A., 2009; 28: 348-59.
To assess the accuracy of the Microlife 3AS1-2 blood pressure device in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia in a low-resource setting.
The device achieved a mean difference ± SD of 0.4 ± 7.3/ −0.4 ± 5.5 mmHg (pregnancy) and −2.6 ± 7.0/0.8 ± 4.4 mmHg (preeclampsia) for systolic/ diastolic pressure. Eighty-one percent of women did at least 6 measurements/day and all women did at least 2 measurements/week.
The Microlife WatchBP Home is accurate for use in pregnancy and increases surveillance in compliant patients.
The Microlife 3AC1: an accurate blood pressure measurement device in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia
The Microlife 3AC1: an accurate blood pressure measurement device in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia A.